Cyberactivism, self - efficacy and collective action among peruvian college students

Fernando Ruiz-Dodobara


The relation between cyberactivism and collective action has been largely studied. However, there is still reluctance to accept that the promotion of collective action in social media can lead to offline initiatives. According to Social Cognitve Theory, individual self –efficacy related to a specific action is a powerful predictor of future behavior. The present study proposes that the relation between cyberactivism and intention to participate in offline collective action is mediated by individual self - efficacy to use social media to produce collective action. The sample was composed of 293 undergraduate students (M = 19.92, SD = 1.725, women = 63.8%) from two private universities in Lima - Peru. Descriptive results showed that at least a third of the sample had high and very high levels in each of the three variables. Furthermore, we found that ciberactivism was related to self - efficacy (rs = .29, p < .001) and intention (rs = .37, p < .001), besides self – efficacy was associated with intention (rs = .59 p < .001). In addition, we observed significant differences according to sex: women presented higher levels of cyberactivism (U = 7551.00, male = 106, p = .001) and intention to participate in collective action (U = 7278.00, male = 106, p < .0001) in comparison to men. Furthermore, the findings displayed a partial mediation of self – efficacy between cyberactivism and intention to participate in offline collective action (B = .19, SE = 0.5, 95%, CI [.11, .29]). The model accounted for (R²) 14% of the explained variance in intentions. Finally, results demonstrated a good index adjusted of the model (CFI = 1.00, SRMR =0.00). These findings call for further research in relation on how cyberactivism can activate individual self – efficacy and promote collective action.

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