#8 Monday July 13 |  | Room: Louvre |
Blockmodeling multilevel, dynamic or temporal and linked networks (6)*Chairs: Marjan Cugmas, Saint-Clair Chabert-Liddell |  | Room: Bastille |
Findings from the UC Berkeley Social Network Study and Other Ego-Centric Panel Studies (17)*Chairs: Stephanie Child, Keunbok Lee |  | Room: Champs-Elysées |
Mesa Hispana de Análisis de Redes Sociales- Hispanic Organized Session of SNA (24)*Chairs: Edgar Reyes Junior, Paula Méndez Domínguez |  | Room: Sorbonne |
Hypergraphs, from theory to applications (20)*Chairs: Timoteo Carletti, Floriana Gargiulo |
8:30 PM Paris
2:30 PM US East
11:30 AM US West
4:30 AM Sydney | An indirect approach for blockmodeling temporal networks (689)
Vladimir Batagelj
| Change Ego-Network Characteristics Following Recent Health Shocks (856)
Keunbok Lee, Stephanie Child
| A amizade ajuda ou atrapalha o alto desempenho? Como as relaçőes baseadas em confiança se diferenciam nos grupos de desempenho (165)
Fagner Dias, Edgar Reyes Jr
| From dyads to groups: a partition model for non-overlapping groups (327)
Marion Hoffman, Per Block, Tom Ab Snijders
8:50 PM Paris
2:50 PM US East
11:50 AM US West
4:50 AM Sydney | Utilizing Blockmodeling, Clustering, and Heatmaps to Visualize Multinomial Logistic Regression Models (312)
Kelsey Gonzalez
| An inductive typology of egocentric networks with data from the SOEP (290)
Bastian Laier, Marina Hennig
| Contratos en redes: Un caso de agencia entre el crimen organizado y jóvenes pandilleros en Cali (1124)
María Isabel Caicedo Hurtado, María Del Pilar Castillo Valencia
| Analyzing Dynamic Hypergraphs with Parallel Aggregated Ordered Hypergraph Visualization (809)
Paola Valdivia, Paolo Buono, Nicole Dufournaud, Catherine Plaisant, Jean-Daniel Fekete
9:10 PM Paris
3:10 PM US East
12:10 AM US West
5:10 AM Sydney | Stochastic block model for multilevel networks unravels structural interdependence between the social and economic networks in a TV program trade fair (492)
Saint-Clair Chabert-Liddell, Pierre Barbillon, Sophie Donnet, Emmanuel Lazega
| The influence of Chronic Comorbidity on Confidant Network Efficiency for Older Adults: Evidence from NSHAP (823)
Tianyao Qu
| Homophily, Echo chamber, Affective polarization and radicalization against the migration: Case study #Openarms on Twitter (632)
Paula Méndez Domínguez, Joaquín Castillo de Mesa, Domingo Carbonero Muńoz
| Social contagion models on simplicial complexes and hypergraphs (845)
Giovanni Petri
9:30 PM Paris
3:30 PM US East
12:30 AM US West
5:30 AM Sydney | A two-level blockmodeling of scientific collaborations of Slovenian researchers and institutions (184)
Marjan Cugmas, Ales Žiberna, Anuška Ferligoj
| Modes of Communication with Network Members Associated with Nativity Status and Obesity (1075)
Leslie Cofie, Stephanie Child, Adolfo Cuevas
| Como Estamos? Para Onde Vamos? Uma bibliometria sobre o Conflito Interorganizacional. (351)
Caroline Costa, Edgar Reyes Junior, Pedro Sousa
| Seeding simplicial contagions in hypergraphs with heterogeneous structure (1099)
Guillaume St-Onge, Iacopo Iacopini, Giovanni Petri, Alain Barrat, Vito Latora, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne
9:50 PM Paris
3:50 PM US East
12:50 AM US West
5:50 AM Sydney | | | | |